(live:1s)[(transition:"dissolve")[What will the world of the future hold at the half-century mark?](stop:)]
(live:3s)[(transition:"dissolve")["The best way to predict the future ](stop:)](live:4s)[(transition:"dissolve")[is to create it."](stop:)](live:5s)[(transition:"dissolve")[
- Infoworld, Atari, Steptember 20, 1982](stop:)]
(live:7s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Welcome to TwentyFifty, a Choice Adventure Game.](stop:)]
(live:10s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Beyond this page, you will get a sneak peak of an afternoon in the year 2050. You have twelve in-game hours to explore.](stop:)]
(live:12s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Who will you be?](stop:)]
(live:14s)[(transition: "dissolve")[[[→ What will you do?->Inside Out]](stop:)]]
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
(set: $tags to (passage:)'s tags)
(if: $tags contains "dashboard")[
(display: "dashboard")]
{(set:$turn to 0)}The year is 2050.
(link-replace: "→ Welcome, Anonymous Internet Browser.")[(put: (prompt: "Actually, my name is:") into $player's "name")(display: "Set Preferences")]
(set: $counter1 to 10)
(set: $player to (datamap: "age", "", "favorite food", "", "name", "Anonymous Internet Browser"))
(set: $job to false)
(set: $highered to false)
(set: $turn to 0)
(set: $world to false, $us to false, $politics to false, $tech to false)
(set: $worldheading to "<h2>Global News</h2>")
(set: $politicsheading to "<h2>Politics</h2>")
(set: $techheading to "<h2>Tech</h2>")
(set: $click6 to '[[Done]]')
(set: ?worldnewshome to "Global News")
(set: $checktwitter to false)
(set:$checkfb to false)
(set:$checkreddit to false)
(set:$runerrands to false)
(set:$contestnews to false)
(set:$cart to false)
(set:$delivery to false)
(set:$hwdone to false)
(set:$techie to false)
(set:$sleepmore to false)
(set:$caffeine to false)
(set:$exercise to false)
(set:$latenight to false)
(if:$turn is >= 12)[(go-to:"TIRED")]
(set:$achivement to 0)
(set:$yesbubble to false)
(set:$robot to false)
(set:$challenge to false)
(set:$nochallenge to false)
(set:$workdone to false)}
|schoolyo>[Are you enrolled in higher education for the 2049-2050 academic year?[Yes]<yesed| [No]<noed|]{
}(click:?yesed)[(set:$highered to true)(replace:?schoolyo)[It is 11:53 a.m. on a Saturday morning.
Having gone to sleep at 4:03 a.m. last night, the blaring tone of your alarm makes you want to throw your phone against the wall.
You squint your eyes open to see a blurred left wall of your apartment. You wonder if a zombie apocalypse finally arrived, turning you into a dim-witted monster.
However, you've never heard of conscious zombies. You suppose this is simply what two months of exhaustion looks like.
Immedidately after you press "Awake" on the phone screen, an automated voice says:
<strong>Day 47 of your Daily Google Challenge. You have one challenge request from (link: "Patrick.")[Patrick, one of your friends from college.]
Would you like to hear the challenge?</strong>
(link: "Do I?")[Of course you do. Challenge is your middle name.
A recording of Patrick begins playing on your phone screen.
He says, "Whazzzupppp? Okay. Are you ready for today's EPIC CHALLENGE OF AWESOMENESS? I'm going easy on you today because I saw you logged in on Facebook at, like, three in the morning. You're probably dead tired.
Anyhoo, (link: "the challenge is simple:")[the challenge is simple: Complete your ENTIRE to-do list today.
I've linked up our Dashboards so that I can make sure you actually do everything. See you on the flip side! Also, thanks in advance for the cash!"
<strong>End of message. Patrick has waged $100 dollars on this challenge. You have until midnight to complete the challenge.</strong>
You blink at least seven times. $100?! You two had never bet more than pocket change on these challenges. What was Patrick up to? And all for a to-do list?
|acceptdecline>[What do you decide to do?
(click:?acceptchallenge)[(set:$challenge to true)(replace:?acceptdecline)[Challenge Accepted.
Now that you have accepted the challenge, it's time to get started with your day. First, though, you'd better get your energy up.
(link: "You take a couple of caffeine pills. You want to get out of zombie mode fast.")[(set:$caffeine to true)(goto:"Energy Boost")]
(link: "You exercise. You usually feel more awake afterward some cardio.")[(set:$exercise to true)(goto:"Energy Boost")]
(link: "You go back to sleep to maximize your energy, even though it will cost you a good deal of time.")[(set:$sleepmore to true)(goto:"Energy Boost")]]]
(click:?declinechallenge)[(set:$nochallenge to true)(replace:?acceptdecline)[You suddently recall that your middle name is actually Boring instead. Oh well.
You spend your day eating cold pizza from your fridge and browzing Reddit. Even though you don't end up completing your to-do list, at least you thought about it. [[What a fun existence this is...|END OF GAME]]]]]]
(click:?noed)[(set:$job to true)(replace:?schoolyo)[That's right, you have a full-time telecommuting job. Gone are the days of taking expensive online courses.
It is 11:53 a.m. on a Saturday morning.
Having gone to sleep at 4:03 a.m. last night, the blaring tone of your alarm makes you want to throw your phone against the wall.
You squint your eyes open to see a blurred left wall of your apartment. You wonder if a zombie apocalypse finally arrived, turning you into a dim-witted monster.
However, you've never heard of conscious zombies. You suppose this is simply what two months of exhaustion looks like.
Immedidately after you press "Awake" on the phone screen, an automated voice says:
<strong>Day 47 of your Daily Google Challenge. You have one challenge request from (link: "Patrick.")[Patrick, one of your friends from college.]
Would you like to hear the challenge?</strong>
(link: "Do I?")[Of course you do. Challenge is your middle name.
A recording of Patrick begins playing on your phone screen.
He says, "Whazzzupppp? Okay. Are you ready for today's EPIC CHALLENGE OF AWESOMENESS? I'm going easy on you today because I saw you logged in on Facebook at, like, three in the morning. You're probably dead tired.
Anyhoo, (link: "the challenge is simple:")[the challenge is simple: Complete your ENTIRE to-do list today.
I've linked up our Dashboards so that I can make sure you actually do everything. See you on the flip side! Also, thanks in advance for the cash!"
<strong>End of message. Patrick has waged $100 dollars on this challenge. You have until midnight to complete the challenge.</strong>
You blink at least seven times. $100?! You two had never bet more than pocket change on these challenges. What was Patrick up to? And all for a to-do list? Granted, you rarely actually finished your to-do lists during the weekend, but why would Patrick care about that?
|acceptdecline>[What do you decide to do?
(click:?acceptchallenge)[(set:$challenge to true)(replace:?acceptdecline)[Challenge Accepted.
Now that you have accepted the challenge, it's time to get started with your day. First, though, you'd better get your energy up.
(link: "You take a couple of caffeine pills. You want to get out of zombie mode fast.")[(set:$caffeine to true)(goto:"Energy Boost")]
(link: "You exercise. You usually feel more awake afterward some cardio.")[(set:$exercise to true)(goto:"Energy Boost")]
(link: "You go back to sleep to maximize your energy, even though it will cost you a good deal of time.")[(set:$sleepmore to true)(goto:"Energy Boost")]]]
(click:?declinechallenge)[(set:$nochallenge to true)(replace:?acceptdecline)[You suddently recall that your middle name is actually Boring instead. Oh well.
You spend your day eating cold pizza from your fridge and browsing Reddit. Even though you don't end up completing your to-do list, at least you thought about it. Too bad you're out of $100, though. [[What a fun existence this is...|END OF GAME]]]]]]
{To-Do List:
<s>(if: $contestnews is true)[
<br>1. Read the news</br>]</s>
<br>1. [[Read the news->Contest News Selection]]]</br>
(if:$checkfb and $checktwitter is false)[
<br>2. [[Check social media->Social media]]</br>]
<s>(else-if:$checkfb and $checktwitter is true)[
<br>2. Check social media</br>]</s>
<s>(else-if:$checkreddit is true)[
<br>2. Check social media</br>]</s>
<br>2. [[Check social media->Social media]]</br>]
<s>(if:$runerrands is true)[
<br>3. Run errands</br>]</s>
<br>3. [[Run errands->Errands]]</br>]
(if:$highered is true and $hwdone is false)[
<br>4. [[Finish homework->Homework]]</br>]
<s>(else-if:$highered is true and $hwdone is true)[
<br>4. Finish homework</br>]</s>
(if:$job is true and $workdone is false)[
<br>4. [[Finish work->Work]]</br>]
<s>(else-if:$job is true and $workdone is true)[
<br>4. Finish work</br>]</s>}
{(if: $hwdone and $checktwitter and $checkfb and $runerrands and $contestnews is true)[
(set: $countdown to 3)<br>Congratulations! You finished everything on your to-do list. You sit and stare at your monitor, trying to decide what to do next.
(live:1s)[(set:$countdown to it -1)(if: $countdown is 0)[(link-goto:"Hang on a second...")(stop:)]]]}
{(else-if: $hwdone and $checkreddit and $runerrands and $contestnews is true)[
(set: $countdown to 3)<br>Congratulations! You finished everything on your to-do list. You sit and stare at your monitor, trying to decide what to do next.
(live:1s)[(set:$countdown to it -1)(if: $countdown is 0)[(link-goto:"Hang on a second...")(stop:)]]]}
{(else-if: $checkreddit and $runerrands and $contestnews and $workdone is true)[
(set: $countdown to 3)<br>Congratulations! You finished everything on your to-do list. You sit and stare at your monitor, trying to decide what to do next.
(live:1s)[(set:$countdown to it -1)(if: $countdown is 0)[(link-goto:"Hang on a second...")(stop:)]]]}
{(else-if: $checktwitter and $checkfb and $runerrands and $contestnews and $workdone is true)[
(set: $countdown to 3)<br>Congratulations! You finished everything on your to-do list. You sit and stare at your monitor, trying to decide what to do next.
(live:1s)[(set:$countdown to it -1)(if: $countdown is 0)[(link-goto:"Hang on a second...")(stop:)]]]}
<h3>Contest News</h3>
}Welcome back to Contest News.
Let us know what you'd like to read about today.
|wn>[Global News [Yes]<yes1| [No]<no1|]
<!-- Politics Preference -->
(click: ?yes1)[(set: $world to true)(replace:?wn)[|poli>[Politics [Yes]<yes3| [No]<no3|]]]
(click: ?no1)[(set: $world to false)(replace:?wn)[|poli>[Politics [Yes]<yes3| [No]<no3|]]]
<!-- Tech Preference -->
(click: ?yes3)[(set: $politics to true)(replace:?poli)[|tech>[Tech [Yes]<yes6| [No]<no6|]]]
(click: ?no3)[(set: $politics to false)(replace:?poli)[|tech>[Tech [Yes]<yes6| [No]<no6|]]]
(click: ?yes6)[(set:$tech to true)(replace:?tech)[|da>[[[<p class="DoneBox">Done</p>|Done]]]]]
(click: ?no6)[(set:$tech to true)(replace:?tech)[|da>[[[<p class="DoneBox">Done</p>|Done]]]]]}
<h3>Contest News</h3>
(if: $world is true)[|worldnewshome>[World News](click: ?worldnewshome)[(go-to: "Global News")]]
(if: $politics is true)[<br>|polihome>[Politics](click: ?polihome)[(go-to: "Politics")]]
(if: $tech is true)[<br>|techhome>[Tech](click: ?techhome)[(go-to: "Tech")]]}
{(align: "=><=")[$worldheading]
.container {
position: relative;
width: 50%;
.image {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
.overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
opacity: 0;
transition: .5s ease;
background-color: black;
.container:hover .overlay {
opacity: 1;
.text {
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position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
white-space: pre-wrap;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
-ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
<div class="container" style="float:right">
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/The_New_York_Times_Building.jpg" width="300" height="200" alt="New York Times" class="image" style="padding:5px;" />
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">[[New York Times Publishes Final Print Issue]]
<div class="container" style="float:left">
<img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/687/31818137600_63ef590c26_z.jpg" width="300" height="500" alt="refugee pic" class="image" style="padding:5px;"/>
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">[[Maldivians Take Refuge from Rising Sea Level Dangers]]</div>
<div class="container" style="float:left">
<img src="file:///Users/Camille/Downloads/30110094910_7cf6cbc0e3_o.jpg" width="300" height="400" class="image" style="padding:5px;"/>
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">[[Hacker Group Anon Releases Confidential Emails]]</div>
NEW YORK – On January 3, after 199 years of publication, *The New York Times* will publish its final printed paper.
The halt in print production is part of one larger movement that began in the early 2010s, as digital news became increasingly popular. In 2022, *The New York Times* re-launched its mobile application as *NYT Talk*, rebranding the publication in an attempt to appeal to younger audiences.
While not the longest-running print newspaper in history, *The New York Times* certainly held its ground in the first half of the century, despite many competitors' switch toward digital-only news production.
CEO Brenda Wallace hinted at the publication's decision in a Facebook post this morning.
Given the publication's steady reduction in printed publications over the past few decades, the decision comes as no suprise. Still, many of the Facebook comments on Wallace's post mourn the finality of the decision.
Breaking News: Sea levels have reached critical heights in the Maldives, forcing thousands of Maldivians to seek refuge from floods.
NATO is currently proposing a plan to help refugees find new areas to live for the time being.
More updates will appear here once they come in.
{(align: "=><=")[$politicsheading]
.container {
position: relative;
width: 50%;
.image {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
.overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
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right: 0;
opacity: 0;
transition: .5s ease;
background-color: black;
.container:hover .overlay {
opacity: 1;
.text {
color: white;
font-size: 30px;
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left: 50%;
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<div class="container" style="float:center">
<img src="file:///Users/Camille/Downloads/33153604571_385efc8fbb_o.jpg" width="300" height="200" alt="New York Times" class="image" style="padding:5px;" />
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">[[Millions Protest President Reed's Inauguration]]
WASHINGTON, D.C.-In response to President Reed's Inauguration, huge crowds across America's major cities have gathered.
After a close Presidential election, Jackson Reed won the electoral vote last November. Since then, protests have occured every weekend across the nation.
Many have taken to Facebook to voice their concerns about the election results. Currently, the most up-voted content refers to President Reed's foreign policy and education policy.
This morning, Hactivist group Anon released personal emails 301 U.S. government officials.
{(align: "=><=")[$techheading]
.container {
position: relative;
width: 50%;
.image {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
.overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
opacity: 0;
transition: .5s ease;
background-color: black;
.container:hover .overlay {
opacity: 1;
.text {
color: white;
font-size: 15px;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
white-space: pre-wrap;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
-ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
<div class="container" style="float:center">
<img src="file:///Users/Camille/Downloads/virtual-reality-1898441_1280.jpg" alt="Samsung" width="600px" height="300px" class="image" style="padding:5px;" />
<div class="overlay">
<div class="text">[[An Inside Look: Samsung's Fully-Immersive VR System]]
(click:?reddit)[(confirm: "If you sign on to Reddit, there is a chance that you will not sign off for several hours. Continue?")[(go-to:"Reddit")]]
[[Go Grocery Shopping]]
You have [three]<three| new notifications.
Your mother commented on [a photo of you.]<photo|
{(click:?photo)[ <br>You cringe, hoping it's not the photo Patrick dared to post of you wasted at last weekend's party. You decide not to click the notification.]}
<br>You have a new message from a match on your [Dating Feed.]<dating|
{(click:?dating)[<br> You can hardly restrain yourself from rolling your eyes, even though your palms do start to get a little clammy. Dating has always given you anxiety, and you've been ghosted so many times (almost as many as you've ghosted others) that the search for a companion almost isn't worth it.]}
<br>Rachel invited you to [Protest President Reed's Election.]<election|]
{(click:?election)[(if:(history:) contains "Millions Protest President Reed's Inauguration")[<br> You briefly think about going to protest with Rachel, but the thought $100 flowing from your bank account into Patrick's makes your stomach turn. If you complete the challenge fast, maybe you will have time to go later.]
(else:)[ You briefly think about going to protest with Rachel, but you don't know much about the protest to make a judgement call. Maybe you should read about it in the news.]]}
|fbdone>[(set: $turn to it + 1)(set: $checkfb to true)<br>Check newsfeed for a few minutes.]</br><br>(click:?fbdone)[(replace:?fbdone)[(display:"FB Hour")]]</br>
|shopchoice>[[Shop online]<shoponline|
[Shop in-store]<shopinstore|]
(click: ?shoponline)[(replace: ?shopchoice)[You have the sudden realization that your couch is the best place on Earth. Why would you want to leave its cozy cushions? Time to [[see what's on sale.|Online Shopping]]]]
(click:?shopinstore)[(replace:?shopchoice)[You realize that you have been sitting down for quite some time...come to think of it, when was the last time you went to the gym? You stand up, stretch, and [[walk out your front door.|Outside]]]]
{(set: $countdown to 5)}You wonder what Twitter looks like these days, but as the page loads, you remember why you [stopped checking]<stoppedchecking| the website in the first place...(click: ?stoppedchecking)[
A giant banner in bold letters reads [EVERY DONATION COUNTS.]<donatetwitter|]
(click: ?donatetwitter)[|poortwitter>[You partake in |counting>[$countdown] seconds of silence to honor the fall of Twitter. Once a beacon of 140-charactered entertainment, Twitter is now a virtual wasteland.](live:1s)[
(set:$countdown to it - 1)
(if:$countdown is 0)[(display:"#POORTWITTER")(stop:)]]]
{(if: (passage:)'s (history:) contains "Internet")[
<p><br>Hello, (print: $player's "name") </br><br>Today is Saturday, February 26, 2050</br>
<br>(if:$turn is 0)[(print: "12:00")]
(if: $turn is 1)[(print:"13:00")]
(if:$turn is 2)[(print:"14:00")]
(if:$turn is 3)[(print:"15:00")]
(if:$turn is 4)[(print:"16:00")]
(if: $turn is 5)[(print:"17:00")]
(if:$turn is 6)[(print:"18:00")]
(if:$turn is 7)[(print:"19:00")]
(if:$turn is 8)[(print:"20:00")]
(if: $turn is 9)[(print:"21:00")]
(if: $turn is 10)[(print:"22:00")]
(if:$turn is 11)[(print:"23:00")]
(if:$turn is >= 12)[(go-to:"TIRED")]</br>
<br>(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[Game saved!](else: )[Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]</br>
}{(else:)[As your computer buzzes to life, your dashboard loads. You can see your name, the date, the time, and your to-do list.
<p><br>Hello, (print: $player's "name") </br><br>Today is (weekday:), March (monthday:), 2050</br>
<br>(if:$turn is 0)[(print: "12:00")]
(if: $turn is 1)[(print:"13:00")]
(if:$turn is 2)[(print:"14:00")]
(if:$turn is 3)[(print:"15:00")]
(if:$turn is 4)[(print:"16:00")]
(if: $turn is 5)[(print:"17:00")]
(if:$turn is 6)[(print:"18:00")]
(if:$turn is 7)[(print:"19:00")]
(if:$turn is 8)[(print:"20:00")]
(if: $turn is 9)[(print:"21:00")]
(if: $turn is 10)[(print:"22:00")]
(if:$turn is 11)[(print:"23:00")]
(if:$turn is >= 12)[(go-to:"TIRED")]</br>
<br>(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[Game saved!](else: )[Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]</br>
{(set: $turn to it + 1)(set: $checktwitter to true)}[[This is sad. Let's do something else.|Internet]]
{(set:$cart to false)}
Loading online shopping data...
You have the following items in your shopping list:
* Rice
* Pasta
* Broccoli
* 1 Chicken (whole)
* Cookies
* Apples
|addtocart>[Would you like to automatically add these items to your cart?[Yes]<full| [No]<empty|](click:?empty)[(replace:?addtocart)[(display:"Continue Shopping")]]
(click:?full)[(set: $cart to true)(replace:?addtocart)[You have successfully added the items to your cart.]
A large CONFIRM button stands between you and your food.
What do you do?
[[Push the button.|Confirm Order]]
[[Look over the order one more time.|Double-Check Order]]]
Before you walk outside, you consider putting on your [iContact lenses.]<techiechoice|
(click:?techiechoice)[ You received the lenses as a birthday present last year.
[When it comes to technology, you...]<techquestion|
|lovetech>[(link:"love staying on top of the latest trends. You're even saving up to buy a new AI assistant. You are definitely taking your iContact lenses")[(replace:?mehtech)[(set:$techie to true)You put on the contacts. Now you can see your dashboard wherever you go. This way, you have access to the time, traffic updates, weather updates, directions, and a plethora of other information that you have yet to actually try out.
<br>You walk outside to brisk, windy air.</br>
Ahh, (link-reveal: "Lake Forest.")[(if: $highered is true)[
Home of rich people whose houses you wish you lived in. Even though you are getting your degree online like practically everyone else in the nation, your aunt offered you a place to stay in one of the nicest cities in the state.
After a successful career, you retired and took residence in one of the nicest cities in the state.
|mehtech>[(replace:?techquestion)[(link:"aren't interested in keeping up with the latest trends. Only one month after you recieved the gift, a newer (and cooler) model came out. You decide to leave your iContact Lenses at home today.")[(replace:?lovetech)[(set:$techie to false)]
<br>You walk outside to brisk, windy air.</br>
Ahh, (link-reveal: "Lake Forest.")[(if: $highered is true)[
Home of rich people whose houses you wish you lived in. Even though you are getting your degree online like practically everyone else in the nation, your aunt offered you a place to stay in one of the nicest cities in the state.
After a successful career, you retired and took residence in one of the nicest cities in the state.
(if: $techie is true)[
(display: "train dashboard")
As the Maglev train zooms off silently, you sit down in a cozy-looking booth toward the middle of the cart.
The train is surprisingly empty at this time of day.
You spend the 20-second train ride thinking about what you might buy at Amazon.
(align:"=><=")[(live:1s)[(either:"apples?", "cheese?", "orange juice?", "rice cakes?", "wasabi chips?", "waffle fries?", "all the carbs?", "croissants?", "apple pie?", "deli meat?", "chicken?", "pineapples?","sugar, spice, and everything nice?", "a coffee maker?", "coffee?", "green tea?","something you most definitely don't need but most definitely want?", "potatoes?", "cider?","beer?","a decorative plate?","cleaning supplies?","toothpaste?","swimming goggles?","a raincoat?","lemons?")]]]
(if: $techie is false)[
As the Maglev train zooms off silently, you sit down in a cozy-looking booth toward the middle of the cart.
The train is surprisingly empty at this time of day.
You spend the 20-second train ride thinking about what you might buy at Amazon.
(align:"=><=")[(live:1s)[(either:"apples?", "cheese?", "orange juice?", "rice cakes?", "wasabi chips?", "waffle fries?", "all the carbs?", "croissants?", "apple pie?", "deli meat?", "chicken?", "pineapples?","sugar, spice, and everything nice?", "a coffee maker?", "coffee?", "green tea?","something you most definitely don't need but most definitely want?", "potatoes?", "cider?","beer?","a decorative plate?","cleaning supplies?","toothpaste?","swimming goggles?","a raincoat?","lemons?")]]
(set:$countdowntrain to 20)</br>
(set:$countdowntrain to it - 1)
(if:$countdowntrain is 0)[(go-to: "Amazon")]]
(set:$turn to it)]
(if:$techie is true)[{(display:"Amazon dashboard")}
You step off the train with a few other passengers and inhale the crisp spring air.
As you take the glass-walled elevator to the ground level, you look for the shopping station.
A crowd of people are gathered around one part of the station. Stepping closer, you see the digital window display, which has a picture of [Samsung's new VR model.]<newmodel|(click:?newmodel)[ One of your friends told you about the release today, but you weren't too thrilled to wait for hours on the computer in an attempt to pre-order the model. After all, sleeping in is your specialty.]
You walk past the crowd and past the long row of specialty stores. Although you enjoy browzing the shops every now and then, given the time, you feel its best to go straight to your destination. All the way at the back of the station sits the Amazon store.
At last, you walk through the automatic door and feel the same sense of joy you had when you received your first hoverboard on your eigth birthday. There is something nostalgic about a store that has more than one type of item for sale. At Amazon, you can find everything you need in one trip, which saves you time.
[[buy what you need from the shopping list on your dashboard.]<buyneed|<br>[look around.]<lookaround|]<replacethis|
(click:?buyneed)[(replace:?replacethis)[That was easy! To check out, you wave your phone over the cashier's counter. The automated system tells you, "Thank you for shopping at Amazon!" You leave the store, satisfied with your order.
(link: "Time to head home.")[(set:$time to it + 2)(goto: "Go back home")]]]
(click:?lookaround)[(replace:?replacethis)[You browse the aisles carefully in case you spot something you didn't know you needed until now. You come across the new iContact Lenses model and the newest iWatch. Their slick, modern displays make you wish you had budgeted your money for the month more wisely. Oh well.
You pick up the items on your shopping list. To check out, you wave your phone over the cashier's counter.
The automated system tells you, "Thank you for shopping at Amazon!" You leave the store, satisfied with your order.
(link: "Time to head home.")[(set:$time to it + 2)(goto: "Go back home")]]]]
(if: $techie is false)[
You step off the train with a few other passengers and inhale the crisp spring air.
As you take the glass-walled elevator to the ground level, you look for the shopping station.
A crowd of people are gathered around one part of the station. Stepping closer, you see the digital window display, which has a picture of [Samsung's new VR model.]<newmodel|(click:?newmodel)[ One of your friends told you about the release today, but you weren't too thrilled to wait for hours on the computer in an attempt to pre-order the model. After all, sleeping in is your specialty.]
You walk past the crowd and past the long row of specialty stores. Although you enjoy browzing the shops every now and then, given the time, you feel its best to go straight to your destination. All the way at the back of the station sits the Amazon store.
At last, you walk through the automatic door and feel the same sense of joy you had when you received your first hoverboard on your eigth birthday. There is something nostalgic about a store that has more than one type of item for sale. At Amazon, you can find everything you need in one trip, which saves you time.
[[buy what you need.]]
[[look around for other items.]]]
(if: $techie is true)[(display: "train dashboard")
You ride the train back to Lake Forest.
As you walk back to your home, you wonder what else you should do today. The mental image of Patrick bragging to you about how you lost today's challenge makes you a little nervous.
[[Let's finish that to-do list...|Internet]](set:$runerrands to true)]
(if: $techie is false)[
You ride the train back to Lake Forest.
As you walk back to your home, you wonder what else you should do today. The mental image of Patrick bragging to you about how you lost today's challenge makes you a little nervous.
[[Let's finish that to-do list...|Internet]](set:$runerrands to true)]
{(set:$cart to true)}(alert:"Your order will be delivered in 2 hours!")
{(set: $turn to it + 1)(set:$runerrands to true)(set:$delivery to true)}[[Now that you're done shopping, let's do something else.|Internet]]
You double-check your order.
Everything seems to be fine.
[[Confirm Order]]
You see your (link-replace: "favorite food")[(put: (prompt: "Your favorite food is:") into $player's "favorite food")(go-to:"Keep Shopping")] as you scroll through the sale items.
Will you add (print: $player's "favorite food") to your cart?
[[Yes. It's hard to turn down a sale.]]
[[No...I think I'll keep looking.]]
(print:$player's "favorite food") was added to the cart.
|confirmrequest>[Would you like to checkout?]
(click:?confirmrequest)[(set:$cart to true)(replace:?confirmrequest)[
A large CONFIRM button stands between you and your food.
What do you do?
[[Push the button.|Confirm Order]]
{(if:(history:) contains "Double-Check Order")[(replace:?doublecheck)[[[Look over the order a third time|Triple-Check Order]]]]}(else:)[
[[Look over the order one more time.|Double-Check Order]]]]]
You keep looking, but nothing seems to catch your eye.
[[Confirm Order]]
(align:"=><=")[How did you spend your afternoon?
{(if:(history:) contains "Contest News")[<br><br>
You read the news.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Hang on a second...")[<br><br>
You beat the EPIC CHALLENGE Patrick gave you! (set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Amazon")[<br><br>
You shopped at the Amazon store.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Train")[<br><br>
You rode a 20-second train from Lake Forest to Chicago.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:$turn >12)[<br><br>
You managed to spend the entire afternoon in your apartment.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Build a robot.")[<br><br>
You built your own robot. (set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Delete your social media accounts.")[<br><br>
You decided to take a break from the digital tech buzz and delete your social media accounts.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:$vicki is true)[<br><br>
You bought a new AI assistant. Get ready for some awesome meals!(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:$sam is true)[<br><br>
You bought a new AI assistant. Time to start hosting parties.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Donate your posessions and start a minimalist lifestyle.")[<br><br>
You became a minimalist. Hopefully someone else will make use of your iContact Lenses and iPod collection.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Watch a movie with your VR set.")[<br><br>
You watched a classic film in VR.(set:$achievement to it + 1)](if:$nochallenge is true)[<br><br>
You declined Patrick's EPIC CHALLENGE.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:$hwdone is true)[<br><br>
You survived the Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad Homework Pit.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:$workdone is true)[<br><br>
You survived the Why Am I An Adult Work Pit.(set:$achievement to it +1)]
(if:(history:) contains "Protest President Reed's Inauguration")[<br><br>You protested the president's inauguration.(set:$achievement to it +1)]}]
<br>You completed (print:$achievement)/15 accomplishments this afternoon.</br>
Thank you for playing TwentyFifty.
[[Play Again|Inside Out]]
TwentyFifty was created by [Camille Lemieux '17.]<camille|
Despite hearing her mother's pleas to go outside, Camille spent most of her winter break creating this project. She hopes that in 2050, we will occasionally step away from our daily routines to poke at the future–after all, some of us have to make sure it's still breathing.]
(if: (history:) contains "Global News")[(set:$world to false)]
(if: (history:) contains "U.S. News")[(set: $us to false)]
(if: (history:) contains "Tech")[(set:$tech to false)]
(if: (history:) contains "Politics")[(set: $politics to false)]
(if: $tags contains "newsdone")[<br>|newsdone>[(set:$turn to it + 1)(set:$contestnews to true)<br>I'm done reading the news.]]</br><br>(click:?newsdone)[(replace:?newsdone)[(display:"Hour Passed")]]</br>
{(set: $tags to (passage:)'s tags)
(if: not ($tags contains "no-footer"))[
(display: "yesfooter")]
(else:)[(display: "nofooter")]}
{(set:$checkreddit to true)}
You login to Reddit and fall into a rabbit hole of interesting content.
As you browse your favorite subreddits, you come across a new subreddit full of tutorials. Which one do you want to try?
[[Tutorial: Build Personal Robot]]
You beat Patrick's Challenge, but you still feel a bit [empty.]<empty|
(click:?empty)[(alert: "New video message from Patrick.")You open the video.
Patrick says, "Hey. Congratulations on beating me. Maybe next time, I'll pick something harder for you to do! Anyway, you're probably wondering why I sent this challenge today since it's a little different than ususal. Basically, I want you to get out and do something different tonight. Something spontaneous.
Day in and day out, it's always the same routine...
You go straight to your computer after eating breakfast, try to complete items on your to-do list, and then go to sleep.
Today, you should end your evening by doing something different. What will you do with the rest of your Saturday?"
The video cuts off and you stare at your hardwood floors. You suppose Patrick's right. You really do tend to follow the same routine every day.
You decide to:
{<br>(if: (history:) contains "250,000 Protest President Reed's Election in Washington, D.C.")[[[Protest President Reed's Inauguration.|Protest President Reed's Inauguration]]]</br>
<br>(if:(history:)contains "Tech")[[[Buy Samsung's new VR set.|Watch a movie with your VR set.]]]</br>
<br>(if:$techie is true)[[[Buy an AI assistant.|Buy an AI assistant.]]]</br>
<br>(if:$techie is false)[[[Donate your posessions and start a minimalist lifestyle.|Donate your posessions and start a minimalist lifestyle.]]]</br>
<br>(if:$techie is false and $checkfb or $checktwitter is true)[[[Delete your social media accounts.|Delete your social media accounts.]]]</br>
<br>(else:)[[[Build a robot.|Build a robot.]]]</br>}]
You triple check your order because that's the kind of person you are.
Everything seems to be correct.
[[Confirm Order]]
<p><br>Hello, (print: $player's "name") </br><br>Today is Saturday, February 23, 2050</br>
<br>{(if:$turn is 0)[(print: "12:00")]
(if: $turn is 1)[(print:"13:00")]
(if:$turn is 2)[(print:"14:00")]
(if:$turn is 3)[(print:"15:00")]
(if:$turn is 4)[(print:"16:00")]
(if: $turn is 5)[(print:"17:00")]
(if:$turn is 6)[(print:"18:00")]
(if:$turn is 7)[(print:"19:00")]
(if:$turn is 8)[(print:"20:00")]
(if: $turn is 9)[(print:"21:00")]
(if: $turn is 10)[(print:"22:00")]
(if:$turn is 11)[(print:"23:00")]
(if:$turn is >= 12)[(go-to:"TIRED")]</br>
<br>(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[Game saved!](else: )[Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]</br>
(set:$countdowntrain to 20)}</br>
<br>Destination: Chicago Loop Shopping Station</br>
<br>Time Remaining on Maglev: |counting>[$countdowntrain] seconds</br>
(set:$countdowntrain to it - 1)
(if:$countdowntrain is 0)[(go-to: "Amazon")]
(replace: ?counting)[$countdowntrain]]}
<p><br>Hello, (print: $player's "name") </br><br>Today is Saturday, February 23, 2050</br>
<br>{(if:$turn is 0)[(print: "12:00")]
(if: $turn is 1)[(print:"13:00")]
(if:$turn is 2)[(print:"14:00")]
(if:$turn is 3)[(print:"15:00")]
(if:$turn is 4)[(print:"16:00")]
(if: $turn is 5)[(print:"17:00")]
(if:$turn is 6)[(print:"18:00")]
(if:$turn is 7)[(print:"19:00")]
(if:$turn is 8)[(print:"20:00")]
(if: $turn is 9)[(print:"21:00")]
(if: $turn is 10)[(print:"22:00")]
(if:$turn is 11)[(print:"23:00")]
(if:$turn is >= 12)[(go-to:"TIRED")]</br>
<br>(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[Game saved!](else: )[Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]</br>
<br>(link: "Load Shopping List")[Shopping List:
1 Chicken (whole)
{(set:$highered to true)}You sigh as you log on to your college's dashboard. Less than one second later, you see a list of everything you have to send in to your professor by tomorrow.
You imagine everything you would [enjoy doing more]<rather| than homework right now.
Specifically, the list is as follows: playing VR games, browsing reddit, digging your own grave, going for a bikeride, eating, volunteering, hanging out with friends, calling your parents, writing horrible poetry, clipping your fingernails, listening to music, paying taxes, going to work, getting an AI assistant reprogrammed, watching "Saying Goodbye to the Ozone: Where We Went Wrong" for the millionth time, and hoping that you switched into a faster line at the grocery store but realizing that you are in fact now standing in the slowest line in the entire universe.
(live:5s)[Well, the homework won't complete itself, will it?
(link:"'I wish it would, computer. Will you do finish it for me?'")[|talk>[The computer does not respond to you.]](stop:)]]
(click-replace:?talk)[|what>["'Wait, what? I thought you were the computer.'"]]
(click-replace:?what)[You recieve no response.
(live:0.5s)[.](live:1s)[ .](live:1.5s)[ .](live:2s)[Well, that was weird. ](live:3s)[(stop:)
You open your ebook and get started on [homework.]<hw|]]]
(click:?hw)[(append:?hw)[ ↓]You fall into the Awful Horrible No Good Very Bad Homework Pit.
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="8">Homework</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="9">is still</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="10">horrible</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="11">in 2050.</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="28">ugh</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="21">why does it feel</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="20">like time is</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="10">s l o w i n g d o w n ?</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="5">s i g h</marquee>
(live:5s)[<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="8">[[am i done now|Internet]]</marquee>](set:$hwdone to true)(set:$turn to it +3)]
(if:(history: contains "Confirm Order") and $delivery is true and $turn is it + 2)[(alert: Your groceries have been delivered to your doorstep by Amazon-Drone #471849. Please pick them up at your earliest convenience.)]
You join the massive crowds in Chicago to protest President Reed's inauguration last month.
[[You return home at 1 o'clock in the morning. Time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]
(alert: "New Facebook Message from Rachel")
<div class="chat">
<div class="bubble me">*Rachel*: Hey! Do you want to watch Blade Runner?</div>
<div class="bubble you">Sure!</div>
[(live:1s)[.] (live:1.5s)[.] (live:2s)[.]]<typing|(live:2.5s)[<div class="bubble me">*Rachel*: Okay, let's start in five!</div>](stop:)]
You and Rachel watch Blade Runner with your Samsung VR systems. While not fully immersive, the systems are still cool enough that you feel like you're in the classic film with the characters beside you.
[[As the time passes, you realize it's almost 3 o'clock in the morning. Time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]]
Your online-shopping senses are tingling.
You sign onto Amazon and search "AI assistant 2050 models."
There are two new models this year. Which model do you want to take a closer look at?
|sam1>[(link:"Samuel 1.0 - The Conversationalist")[Samuel 1.0 is a fantastic addition to any home! He can converse in twenty-seven languages, make jokes according to your personalized taste, and he makes a great team member for Charades. With a built-in speaker, karaoke machine, and a playlist based on your iUserSystem, he will be the life of any party.[Order Samuel 1.0?]<ordersam|](click:?ordersam)[(replace:?victoria31)[
You have ordered Samuel 1.0. You can expect a delivery within the next 24 hours.(set:$sam to true)
[[After you make your purchase, you realize it's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]]]]
[(link:"Victoria 3.1 - The Chef")[Victoria 3.1 can cook up a storm. Trained in the fine culinary arts from major countries around the globe, she can create nearly any meal. Don't see the dish you're looking for? Import recipes from anywhere online or type in your own recipe for her to try out![Order Victoria 3.1?]<ordervic|](click:?ordervic)[(replace:?sam1)[
You have ordered Victoria 3.1. You can expect a delivery within the next 24 hours.(set:$vicki to true)
[[After you make your purchase, you realize it's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]]]]<victoria31|
You wonder if your life would be better without so much *stuff*. Perhaps your collection of vintage iPods and other assorted and useless posessions are holding you back from appreciating the good things in life.
You spend the night sorting through all of your stuff. By six o'clock in the morning, you have a suitcase of posessions. You'll drop off everything else in a Freecycle bin around the block on Sunday afternoon.
[[As the sun rises, you finally decide it's time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]
You realize that your boredom stems partly from the fact that you spend so much of your time on Facebook. You could use some time away from social media. Maybe you can start an ant farm, or learn how to play chess.
(link:"Delete Facebook")[You have deleted your Facebook account. Good riddance!]
(link:"Delete Twitter")[Anyone could have seen this one coming.]
(link:"Delete Reddit")[This one hurts the most, but you feel a weight lift off your shoulders when you see the confirmation page.]
[[As the time passes, you realize it's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]
(if:(history:) contains "Tutorial: Build Personal Robot")[(set:$robot to true)(live:5s)[(either:"clank!,""bang!" "pop!")]You build a house-keeping robot using the tutorial from Reddit.]
(else:)[You don't know how to build a robot...]
[[As the time passes, you realize it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning. Time to get to sleep.|END OF GAME]]
(if:$caffeine is true)[A faint song you heard as a kid comes back to you.
When you were younger, a commercial used to come on often about brain-enhancing drugs.
You still remember the classic song played at the end of one of the segments:
*Why would you wait for brilliance?*
*Why would you postpone your fun?*
*Why aim to reach those same old stars*
*When you could be the brightest one?*
You tried some of the enhancers a few years ago, but since then, you've preferred to spend your money elsewhere.
Shaking off the memory, you swallow the small, roud caffeine pills.
Now that you've succumbed yet again to your caffeine addiction, what would you like to do today?
[[Check my to-do list.|Internet]]]
(if:$exercise is true)[(set:$turn to it + 1)
You exercise and take a much-needed shower.
One hour has passed.
Now that you feel more awake, what would you like to do today?
[[Check my to-do list.|Internet]]]
(if:$sleepmore is true)[(set:$turn to it + 3)
You dive into the soft pile of blankets that you call a bed, falling alseep within minutes.
You dream that you design and create a time-travelling body suit. You go back in time and swim with polar bears. Even though you've only seen them in pictures and videos, the amount of detail they have makes them seem incredibly real.
All of a sudden, your polar bear friends scatter, leaving you in the open water. As you swim to the surface, the sky changes from a light gray to a fiery orange.
A giant fireball is headed straight towards you!
[[Swim as fast as you can to the nearest glacier.|Swim away]]
[[Dive down into the depths of the ocean.|Dive down]]]
limit or eliminate rejection
<p><br>Hello, (print: $player's "name") </br><br>Today is Saturday, February 26, 2050</br>
<br>(if:$turn is 0)[(print: "12:00")]
(if: $turn is 1)[(print:"13:00")]
(if:$turn is 2)[(print:"14:00")]
(if:$turn is 3)[(print:"15:00")]
(if:$turn is 4)[(print:"16:00")]
(if: $turn is 5)[(print:"17:00")]
(if:$turn is 6)[(print:"18:00")]
(if:$turn is 7)[(print:"19:00")]
(if:$turn is 8)[(print:"20:00")]
(if: $turn is 9)[(print:"21:00")]
(if: $turn is 10)[(print:"22:00")]
(if:$turn is 11)[(print:"23:00")]
(if:$turn is >= 12)[(go-to:"TIRED")]</br>
<br>(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[Game saved!](else: )[Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]</br>
You spend seven hours learning how to build a basic house-keeping robot. Hopefully your skills will come in handy soon!
|robotdone>[(set:$turn to it + 7)<br>Woohoo!](click:?robotdone)[(replace:?robotdone)[Seven hours have passed.
[[Return to Dashboard|Internet]]</br>]]
You wish you had your iContact Lenses with you to make sure you bought everything on your list. It takes awhile for you to remember what you wanted.
To check out, you wave your phone over the cashier's counter. The automated system tells you, "Thank you for shopping at Amazon!" You leave the store, satisfied with your order.
(set:$turn to it + 2)
[[Go back home]]
You wish you had your iContact Lenses with you to make sure you bought everything on your list. It takes awhile for you to remember what you wanted. However, you browse the aisles carefully in case you spot something cool.
You come across the new iContact Lenses model and the newest iWatch. Their slick, modern displays make you wish you had budgeted your money for the month more wisely. Oh well.
You pick up a random assortment of delicious food. To check out, you wave your phone over the cashier's counter. The automated system tells you, "Thank you for shopping at Amazon!" You leave the store, satisfied with your order.
(set:$turn to it + 3)
[[Go back home]]
|noise>[(live:1s)[(either:"clank!","bang!", "pop!")]]
You build a house-keeping robot using the tutorial from Reddit.
It's not the fanciest robot in the neighborhood, but at least it will get the job done.]]
You swim as fast as you can to the glacier on your right, but just as you reach the edge, you feel the heat against the back of your head--
You wake up with a start. Whew. Good thing that was just a dream. You feel a tinge of sadness when you realize you will never actually see real polar bears, much less swim with them.
Three hours have passed.
What would you like to do today?
[[Check my to-do list.|Internet]]
Without thinking twice, you dive down into the water, swimming downward as fast as possible. Within seconds, though, the water reaches an unbearably hot temperature.
Before for life flashes before your eyes, you wake up with a start. Phew. Good thing that was just a dream. You feel a tinge of sadness when you realize you will never actually see real polar bears, much less swim with them.
Three hours have passed.
What would you like to do today?
[[Check my to-do list.|Internet]]
(if:$contestnews is true)[An hour has passed.]
[[Return to the Dashboard.|Internet]]
After first proposing a federal tax on corporate use of mechanical AI assistants in 2048, The Secretary of the Treasury will impose the new taxation starting this calendar year.
CEO of Facebook Katerina Rodriguez recently called the new tax law an "invasion of coroporation rights" an interview with CNN.
It's almost midnight! You fall asleep on your desk...
Too bad you didn't complete the challenge. You wake up the next morning to a video from Patrick which he edited to look as if he's swimming in money.
[[(set:$tired to true)This is not ideal.|END OF GAME]]
You sigh as you log on to your work dashboard. Less than one second later, you see a list of everything you have to send in to your boss that you did not finish during the week.
You imagine everything you would [enjoy doing more]<rather| than work right now.
Specifically, the list is as follows: playing VR games, browsing reddit, digging your own grave, going for a bikeride, eating, volunteering, hanging out with friends, calling your parents, writing horrible poetry, clipping your fingernails, listening to music, paying taxes, going to work, getting an AI assistant reprogrammed, watching "Saying Goodbye to the Ozone: Where We Went Wrong" for the millionth time, and hoping that you switched into a faster line at the grocery store but realizing that you are in fact now standing in the slowest line in the entire universe.
(live:5s)[Well, the job won't complete itself, will it?
(link:"'I wish it would, computer. Will you do finish it for me?'")[|talk>[The computer does not respond to you.]](stop:)]]
(click-replace:?talk)[|what>["'Wait, what? I thought you were the computer.'"]]
(click-replace:?what)[You recieve no response.
(live:0.5s)[.](live:1s)[ .](live:1.5s)[ .](live:2s)[Well, that was weird. ](live:3s)[(stop:)
Time to do [work.]<wo|]]]
(click:?wo)[(append:?wo)[ ↓]You fall into the Why Am I An Adult Work Pit.
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="8">Work</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="8.5">is still</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="9">horrible</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="9.5">in 2050.</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="15">ugh</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="20.5">at least I'm getting paid</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="10">n e e d b e t t e r i n c e n t i v e . . .</marquee>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="5">s i g h</marquee>
(live:5s)[<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" scrollamount="8">[[am i done now|Internet]]</marquee>](set:$workdone to true)(set:$turn to it +3)]
(if:$checkfb is true)[Despite your intention to only spend a few minutes checking your newsfeed, you wind up scrolling through your friends' and families' highlight reels for an hour.
[[Return to the Dashboard.|Internet]]]
Samsung will release the first U.S.-made fully immersive virtual reality (VR) system next Friday.
The system, called the *Samsung Ridge*, includes a full body suit, a head cap, VR gloves, and a playing station. The pre-sale units were priced at $4,000.